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Q: What are the proper integers of Polonium?
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What is the relationship between integers and rational numbers?

The set of integers is a proper subset of the set of rational numbers.

Is positive integers belong to natural numbers?

Positive integers are (not is!) a proper subset of natural numbers. The natural numbers comprise positive integers and zero.

What is the relationship between counting numbers whole numbers integers and rational numbers?

Counting numbers are a proper subset of whole numbers which are the same as integers which are a proper subset of rational numbers.

What is the meaning of proper fraction?

A proper fraction is a ratio of two positive integers in which the numerator is smaller than the denominator.

What is the proper fraction?

A proper fraction is a ratio in the form p/q where p and q are integers and q>0.

How are whole numbers rational numbers and integers related?

Whole numbers are the same as integers. Whole numbers are a proper subset of rational numbers.

What is common and proper?

proper is when the numerator is smaller than the denominator common means A fraction where both top and bottom are integers.

What is the set of integers lists the natural numbers?

The Natural numbers is the set of Integers greater than 0 (ie {1, 2, 3, ...})

What is the greatest common factor of Andy?

The GCF refers to integers, not proper nouns.

Is polonium odorless?

Polonium is odorless.

How does polonium taste?

Polonium has not a taste.

Is polonium a halogen?

No, polonium is not a halogen. It is a metalloid element that belongs to group 16 of the periodic table, also known as the chalcogens. Halogens are elements belonging to group 17 of the periodic table.