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Q: What are the quadrant numbers on a bill?
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What quadrent has 3.3 in it?

quadrant one has two positive numbers. quadrant two has neg. x numbers and positive y numbers quadrant three has two negative numbers quadrant fout has pos. x numbers and negative y numbers. 3.3 is only one value. you need two number to find the quadrant. 3.3 lies on the x-axis and doesnt lie in a quadrant. therefore you answer is no quadrant.

Where are the 4 quadriants in a grid?

Quadrant I (x, y) Quadrant II (-x, y) Quadrant III (-x, -y) Quadrant IV (x, -y) Where x and y are both positive numbers.

Why is it that roman number is used in naming the quadrant?

Roman numbers are used in naming the quadrants as it will be easy to distinguish between the various quadrants as all the other dimensions in that quadrant are in numeric form .So,to avoid any error or redundancy .There are 4 quadrants : quadrant I,quadrant II,quadrant III and quadrant IV.

What is An ordered pair that has a positive x coordinate and a negative y coordinate( plus -) would be plotted in which quadrant Use roman numerals to write the quadrant numbers?

It would be in the IV quadrant

What is the ordered pair of non-negative numbers?

They are coordinates of points in the first quadrant, as well as on the semi-axes bounding the first quadrant.

What are characteristics of square root functions?

There are two square root functions from the non-negative real numbers to either the non-negative real numbers (Quadrant I) or to the non-positive real numbers (Quadrant IV). The two functions are symmetrical about the horizontal axis.

What do all positive numbers pass though quadrants 1 and 3?

Nothing, because there are no positive numbers in quadrant 3.

An ordered pair that has a negative x-coordinate and a positive y-coordinate - would be plotted in which quadrant Remember to use Roman Numerals to write the quadrant numbers?

An ordered pair that has a negative x-coordinate and a positive y-coordinate would be plotted in the second quadrant (II). In this quadrant, the x-coordinate is negative and the y-coordinate is positive.

What is a 4 quadrant graph used for?

to graph not only positive numbers, but negative ones as well

What is the sign of the cordinates each quadrant?

Quadrant I : (+, +) Quadrant II : (-, +) Quadrant III : (-, -) Quadrant IV : (+, -)

What are the four quadrants of a cartesian graph?

Quadrant I ( + , + ) Quadrant II ( - , + ) Quadrant III ( - , - ) Quadrant IV ( + , - )

What are the regions on the coordinate plane called?

Quadrant 3 Quadrant 4 Quadrant 2 Quadrant 1