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Q: What are the quadrent names on a coordinate grid?
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A point that has a positive x-coordinate and a negative y-coordinate is located in which quadrant?

quadrent IV(4)

What is coordinate grid?

a coordinate grid is a grid that has coranades on it (ex.(4,7))

Which quadrent on a coordinate graph is the fourth quadrant?

The quadrant in the lower righthand corner.

What jobs use coordinate grid?

What jobs use coordinate grid?

What is the definition of the X axis on the coordinate grid?

The bootom of the coordinate grid

Which quadrent on a coordinate graph is the third quadrant?

the one between 6 :clock and 9 o:clock.

What is a coordinate grid point?

It is a point on the coordinate grid. The grid may be the Cartesian or coordinate plane, or its equivalent in 3 or more dimensions. It could also refer to a grid where the axes are not at right angles to one another (eg isometric grid).

How do you use a coordinate grid?

u would use a coordinate grid by starting from the origin (0)

What is a coordinated grid?

A coordinate grid is a grid that you plot points on. A coordinate grid is a 2-dimensional: system in which a location is described by its distance from two perpendicular lines called axes.

On a coordinate grid, does X or Y come first?

on a coordinate grid, X always comes before Y

What is a quadrent?

The sections of a coordinate Plane and is written in Roman numerals. I wrote this myself. I didn't copy and paste. I am in seventh grade

What is the official name of the coordinate grid?

The real name for a coordinate grid would be a Cartisian Plain. It sounds somewhat like that.