It is: 9.25*102
1.2 × 10-9
Scientific notation is used when vast quantities of numbers are used such as the distances of faraway planets or in biology when the tiniest of decimals are used.
It is: 9.25*102
It is: 3.4*10-6
It is: 5.8*10-8
1.2 × 10-9
Scientific notation is used when vast quantities of numbers are used such as the distances of faraway planets or in biology when the tiniest of decimals are used.
Representation of very large or very small numbers or quantities in a straightforward way.
Scientific notation produces convenient numbers when working with very small or very large quantities.
Scientific notation is not a puzzle or equation that needs to be "solved". You do not "solve" rational fractions - they are just a way of representing numbers. In the same way, scientific notation is simply one way of representing numbers. It is usually used for very large or very small quantities.
Not at all. Scalar are numerical quantities without direction (for example time) where as vectors are numerical quantities with direction (for example gravitational force downward)
Scientific notation is useful because it helps to read values' significant figures (sigfigs). For example, the number: 6.02^(-10) is much easier to read than .000000000602. When dealing with especially large or small quantities, scientific notation makes it easier to understand how big or small the quantity is.