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Receivers of electromagnetic waves, within in a certain wavelength.

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Q: What are the radius examples of?
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What are some examples of abstraction?

class TCircle { public: TCircle(double r = 0.00); ~TCircle(); void setRadius(const double r) { Radius = r; } double getRadius() const { return Radius; } protected: double Radius; };

How do you get the area of a circle?

the formula for the area of a circle is pi r2 (pie are square). r is the radius. examples: radius of circle is 5. pi 52 = pi 25 = 78.53

Which are the examples and non examples of radius in math?

Examples of a radius in math include the line segment from the center to a point on a circle, the distance from the center to the edge of a sphere, or the distance from the center to a point on a cone's base. Non-examples could be any line that doesn't go from the center of a circle to its edge or any measurement that doesn't start at the center of a sphere and reach its surface.

What happens to the atomic radius as you go down the metals What happens to the reactivity?

Examples for the groups I an II of the periodic table:- the atomic radius grows from top to bottom- the electronegativity descends from top to bottom

Which 6 letter maths words beginning with r?

Radius, rebate, refuse, relent & rebate are five examples.

What element has a smaller ionic radius than magnesium?

Examples are: Be, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni etc.

What element has a smaller ionic radius than Mg?

Examples are: Be, Al, Ti, V, Mn, Co, Ni etc.

What kind of spirals of are all spaced an equal distance apart for a given a radius?

A helix. Examples are the threads on a screw or a spiral staircase

What are the ball and socket hinge gliding and pivot joint examples of?

Ball and socket joint examples include the hip and shoulder joints. Hinge joint examples include the knee and elbow joints. Gliding joint examples include the joints between the carpal bones in the wrist. Pivot joint examples include the joint between the radius and ulna in the forearm.

What is larger than the atomic radius of P?

The atomic radius of sulfur (S) is larger than that of phosphorus (P) on the periodic table.

If the circumference of a circle doubles the radius?

IMPOSSIBLE circumference = 2*pi*radius if circumference = 2*radius: 2*radius=2*pi*radius 2*radius/(2*radius)=2*pi*radius/(2*radius) 1=pi pi= 1 therefore it is impossible to have a circumference that is twice that of the radius

What does it mean to square the radius?

It means to multiply the radius by itself: radius x radius