Waking the Dead - 2000 Blind Beggar Part 1 1-5 is rated/received certificates of:
UK:12 (VHS/DVD rating)
I think you may have two different childhood songs here. There were THREE blind mice; but they didn't go "up the clock". There was ONE mouse that went up the clock; but he wasn't blind. I include the words to both songs below to help you pick the best answer for your question: THREE BLIND MICE "Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run. They all ran after the farmer's wife. She cut their tails off with a carving knife. Have you ever seen such a sight in your life As three blind mice, three blind mice." HICKORY DICKORY DOCK "Hickory dickory dock, The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck 1:00, The mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock."
Haha I don't know how blind people learned braille but if I did I wouldn't be writing this right now but thanks for trying :]
Bartholomew was one of the twelve apostles, there is no mention of him ever being blind, perhaps you were thinking of Bartimaeus Mark 10:46
In the King James Version of the Bible, Jesus is recorded saying the word "blind" 9 times.
Blind - 2004 I is rated/received certificates of: USA:R
Blind - 2010 I is rated/received certificates of: UK:PG
it's not complete. it's supposed to be : " "A blind beggar had a brother who died. But the dead man's brother is not the blind beggar. What relation was the beggar to the brother who died?" The answer is 'bother and sister' ! :)
Blind - 2007 I is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:12
Colour Blind - 2004 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:MA
The Drawn Blind - 1914 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
The Blind Boy - 1917 is rated/received certificates of: UK:U
Blind Date - 1997 I is rated/received certificates of: Belgium:KT
Blind - 2004 V is rated/received certificates of: USA:R
Love Is Blind - 1912 is rated/received certificates of: UK:R
In the Kingdom of the Blind - 1992 is rated/received certificates of: Belgium:KT
The Blind Goddess - 1948 is rated/received certificates of: UK:A