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Q: What are the real threats in todays life?
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You have a good life. You also have fun.

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What were the threats to Marion county in Florida?

there is no threats anywhere marion or any where nothing will happen in our life time

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Well if Selena Gomez gets threats from 'fans' they're not real fans

What is Neccesary of English in todays life?

Your question is the reason. (It is bad English.)

What is the role of science in entertainment?

in todays life science is every thing

What is the threat to life and property associated with the natural disaster?

the threats of life is that you can die

What are suicide threats?

A suicidal threat is when a person threats against themselves to take their own life.

What are the advantages of todays cars?

Many of them have long life parts. They are economical. They are ecologically better.

Did posidon have any connection to todays life?

yes. he has inspired people to right books.

What is a real life example?

Real life is a real life example!