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Q: What are the reasons for choosing judgment sampling?
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What are the reasons for choosing random sampling method for ones research work and what is random sampling method anyway?

because it is the simplest sampling technique which requires less time and cost.

List the reasons for sampling Give an example of each reason for sampling?

List the reasons for sampling

Advantage of judgment sampling and quota sampling?

judgemental is Pudi lan

What is the difference between representative and random sampling?

I think representative is choosing a specific group that represent, for example, your target market. Random sampling is choosing a certain number of random people

What is primary sampling?

Primary sampling is a research method used by various companies for many different reasons. The primary sampling unit arises in sampling surveys where population elements are grouped, and those groups becomes units in the sample selection.

How do you use the word judgment?

You can use the word "judgment" to refer to the ability to make considered decisions or form opinions. For example, "She used good judgment in choosing her friends."

What difference between Statistical Sampling and non-statistical sampling?

Statistical sampling is an objective approach using probability to make an inference about the population. The method will determine the sample size and the selection criteria of the sample. The reliability or confidence level of this type of sampling relates to the number of times per 100 the sample will represent the larger population. Non-statistical sampling relies on judgment to determine the sampling method,the sample size,and the selection items in the sample.

Why do biologists use sampling?

Biologists use sampling in their work because of two main reasons. Studying all the organisms in a population will be time wasting and the exercise will be expensive.

What are the advantages of stratified random sampling?

There are many advantages of using the stratified random sampling. Some of them are, ability to reduce human potential in choosing the cases in sample, statistical conclusion fro data collected, improving representation of strata etc.

What is sampling error?

Sampling errors are errors in the data collected during the carrying out of quantitative data surveys. They can occur for various reasons, e.g. surveys that were incorrectly filled out. It is generally said that a survey needs to have a margin of error of under 3% to be statistically significant.

What are the various kind of sampling?

They include: Simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, Stratified sampling, Quota sampling, and Cluster sampling.

Which one is called non probability sampling a. cluster sampling b.quota sampling c. systematic sampling d. stratified sampling?

Answer is Quota sampling. Its one of the method of non-probability sampling.