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Q: What are the reasons for globalizing operations?
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What is an example of a globalizing technology?

Ionized, zicornium positive soduim bromine.

What is globalizing forces?

Globalizing forces refer to the factors and processes that contribute to the interconnectedness and interdependence of countries around the world. These forces can include technological advancements, economic integration, cultural exchange, and political cooperation that transcend national boundaries. Globalizing forces are shaping the modern world by facilitating the flow of information, goods, services, and people across borders.

What is the diffinetion of globalization?

The act of globalizing, or extending to other or all parts of the world: the globalization of manufacturing.

How was Rome a globalizing empire?

Rome did not have a globalising empire because this empire did not cover the whole globe.

What are three reasons the us military end overseas operations?

Its costing us billions of dollars, its taking the lives of our men and women, and the operations are pointless.

What are the main reasons companies move their operations to third world countries?

To make money.

Discuss the importance of studying production and operations management?

the reasons of studying management manufacturing

How has the world trade organization contributed to the increasing globalizing of the world?

Answer this question… It encourages international exchange by removing barriers to trade.

Why efficiency is important for operation management?

Because it is one of the reasons why business may cease to operate. If the operations management is found to be inefficient or ineffective, usually, the operations manager is replaced or fired.

Are cellphones globalizing the world?

yes cellphones contributing to the globalwarming because the cells are made out machines the machins pollute that's all

What does it mean to be ethically accountable in a globalizing society?

Accountability is the readiness or preparedness to give an explanation or justification to stakeholders for one's judgments, intentions and actions

How does culture affect a business from globalizing?

kuzi bang all ya dolla on 0, globalize, machines givin it hard bro deane road bookies.