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Q: What are the remedial measures of biomagnification?
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Remedial measures undertaken by schools about the huge number of non-readers?

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What are the remedial measures of sound pollution?

Remedial measures of sound pollution are the steps we take to reduce excess noise. This can be as simple as being aware of how loud we speak or listen to music.

What are remedial measures?

Corrective actions taken to solve the problem.

What remedial measures are undertaken by school?

Remedial measures include the inclusion of handicapped children in regular classrooms with accommodations. Some students also can get pulled out of the classroom for more in-depth lessons.

What remedial measures are undertaken by the school?

Remedial measures include the inclusion of handicapped children in regular classrooms with accommodations. Some students also can get pulled out of the classroom for more in-depth lessons.

What are the remedial measures are undertaken by the school to lessen the non readers in the school?

it depends on your country you belong

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What is meant by remedial measures?

Actions to repair or correct a perceived, or actual, fault or deficeincy. Remedy. example: To satisfy a basic demand from potential employers, the best remedial measures available are for Jan to go to night school and get her degree while still working, or seek a student loan and attend college full time. example: The kids were running wild on the weekends, the neighbors were complaining and someone was bound to get hurt, so the new stepfather planned remedial measures, hoping to control the situation.

What are remedial measures for natural disasters?

There are several remedial measures for a tsunami. It is recommended that one look for help, and leave phone lines open for emergencies only. It is also recommended to look for fire hazards, open gas lines, and downed telephone lines when travelling outside of the home.

What has the author Keigh Consulting written?

Keigh Consulting. has written: 'Report on investigative and remedial measures radiation reduction and decontamination in Uranium City, Saskatchewan' -- subject(s): Safety measures, Radiation, Radioactive decontamination

What remadial measures are undertaken by schools?

Schools may implement remedial measures such as additional tutoring, individualized instruction, study skills workshops, and academic intervention programs to support students who are struggling academically. These measures aim to help students improve their understanding of the material and catch up to their peers. Schools may also provide resources for parents to support their children's learning at home.

Is organic cultivation a solution to biomagnification?
