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Q: What are the respective concentrations M of Cu plus 2 and Cl- afforded by dissolving 0.200 mol CuCl2 in water and diluting to 345 mL?
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What is the composition of gowers solution?

how do you prepare gowers solution the red blood cells diluting fliud

Is it possible to prepare 0.1M solution from 0.01M solution?

i think yes by increasing volume tenfold.because 0.01 is greater than diluting 0.01m solution 0.1m can be prepared.

What is a real life example of concentration?

Often in gardening and cleaning when the instructions ask you to dissolve a given weight or volume of the product in a certain volume of water. This can be when mixing up a solution of 'weed and feed' for the lawn or diluting bleach to clean some white's in the washing machine.

How do you get heroin out of your system in 24 hours or less?

There is no guaranteed way to remove heroin from your system in such a short time. The body processes heroin in its own time, typically within a few days. It is vital to seek professional medical advice and support to address addiction and withdrawal symptoms and establish a long-term recovery plan.

What book in the Bible portrays Wisdom as a woman?

AnswerThere is a whole genre of books known as "Wisdom literature" in which Lady Wisdom is mentioned. The Book of Proverbs in the Old Testament is substantially concerned with Wisdom. Scholars say that it is clear that Wisdom was not personified wisdom, but perceived as a female spirit, coexistent with God from the beginning. Later layers were added to Proverbs, prrsenting philosophical wisdom, thereby diluting and obscuring the original story of Lady Wisdom.Wisdom is mentioned in other Old Testament references, including the Deuterocanonical book, Ecclesisaticus.Lady Wisdom is also mentioned in the New Testament:Matthew 11:19: "... But wisdom is justified of her children."Luke 7:35: "But wisdom is justified of all her children."Luke 11:31: "The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here. "Luke 11:49: "Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute: "

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What does the concentration of 1x mean?

A concentration of 1x typically means that the solution is at its full strength or original concentration as prepared. It is often used as a reference point for diluting or comparing other concentrations.

What is the importance's of serial dilution in pharmacy?

Serial dilution is important in pharmacy to accurately prepare solutions of varying concentrations. By diluting a stock solution multiple times, pharmacists can create precise concentrations for medications or formulations. This method allows for more precise dosing, ensuring patients receive the correct amount of medication.

What are the other solvents aside from water?

Some common solvents aside from water include ethanol, acetone, methanol, and hexane. These solvents are often used in a variety of industries for dissolving, diluting, or extracting different types of substances.

What is the example of inert solvent?

An example of an inert solvent is hexane. It is commonly used in chemical reactions as it does not react chemically with most substances, making it suitable for dissolving or diluting other compounds without affecting the reaction itself.

What does the melting of the icecaps lower the concentration of salt in the ocean?

Melting ice from the icecaps adds fresh water to the ocean, diluting the salt concentration. This process can potentially disrupt the ocean's circulation patterns and impact marine ecosystems that are adapted to specific salt concentrations.

Is diluting A physical or chemical change?

Diluting a substance is a physical change because it does not alter the chemical composition of the substance. It simply involves mixing the substance with another (usually a solvent) to decrease its concentration.

What is the Difference between rbc thoma pipette and wbc thoma pipette?

RBC Thoma pipette is used for counting red blood cells in a blood sample, while WBC Thoma pipette is used for counting white blood cells. They both have different grid patterns that allow for accurate counting of the respective cell types.

What is a dilution series?

A dilution series is a set of solutions where each subsequent solution is made by diluting the previous one with a solvent. This is commonly used in laboratory experiments to create a range of concentrations for testing or analysis.

What is the main mechanism for diluting blood?




What is carbonic acid abd how does it effect chemical weathering process?

Carbonic acid is an acid formed by diluting co2 in water. It weathers calcite minerals by reaction with them (Lime stone)

Does diluting acids in water make them weaker?
