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You start at the right hand most number. This is the ones position. Add the given numbers and carry if you need to as is mentioned in the next sentence. Add the numbers to the left of the ones. These are the tens. Carry from the first step any numbers you need. You need to carry from the first step if when you added those numbers in the ones place, the total was more than nine. If it was 10, you would put a zero in the ones column and carry the 1 to the the tens column. If it was say 18, you would place an 8 in the ones column and carry a 1 over.

One last example, say your sum was 29, then place a 9 in the ones column and carry a 2.

Now when you add the tens column, the total may again be more than 9, so do the exact same thing you did in the ones column. Write the right most digit of the number and carry the left digit. For example, in the tens column if your total is 38, write the 8 and carry the 3.

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Q: What are the rules for adding whole numbers?
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It can be same because it,s just the decimal

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Since whole numbers are the same as integers, there are no different rules! The only way in which the rules for natural numbers is different is that the set does not contain the additional opposites of numbers (in other words, the set is not closed under subtraction).

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Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative. Therefore, adding and subtracting integers would be adding and subtracting whole numbers. Examples: 8+2 -8+2 8-2 -8-2

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You will probably get the wrong answer. Pay attention!

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