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kick the player and laugh loud when the scorer was angry smack him

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Q: What are the rules in playing damath?
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Rules for playing damath?

if you win you loose, if you loose you win

What are the rules of polynomial damath?

There are none check spelling.

What are the techniques on playing damath?

,,.,ljidhffuyllsaedj dsiuihvdkjhde hweon kjksdsfdsfla

What are the techniques in playing binary damath?

astig na palalaro

What are the Chips for playing polynomial damath?

i dont know because i didn't play it yet....

Damath board picture?

image of damath board

Playing damath board game using plus and minus sign only?

Yes with pictures

What are the numbers of chip on sci damath?

damath chips

What are the kinds of damath games?

The kinds of damath games are integer, rational, radical and polynomial damath. Damath is an educational board game and it comes from the word 'dama' and 'Mathematics'.

What is the history of damath?

damath is a kind of game that people loves to play jus t like chess . . . .. .

How do you make a damath board?

To make a damath board...etc etc...

How is damath played?

== == How to ply damath? 1.You must know the rules of playing damath game.( SELECT KIND OF GAME)2. Prepare score sheets to be filled up by both players.3. Start the game by tossing a coin.4. Observe time management.5. Observe the rules until the end of the game. RULES OF THE SCI-DAMATH 1. Toss a coin to decide who move first. 2. The two players alternately take turn in moving a piece. ( Pass is not allowed) 3. Touch move shall be observed in the game. A player who touches a chip is required to move unless it is illegal to do so. 4. After making a move, a player shall record his move in one score sheet. 5. Only one score sheet will be used by the players in a game. 6. Each player is only allowed one minute to move including the recording . Except in takes or captured.