well make charts or graghs like line graphs, bar graphs, or a pie graph and just keep tract of every slight change!!yea
tools for collecting scientific data....one tool for recording,collecting, and analyzing data is a microscope :)))
Collecting the data
I think all of those steps are in the scientific method
the collection of data and tables means that database management system that is called DBMS
A step by step process that scientist use to answer questions and solve problem
tools for collecting scientific data....one tool for recording,collecting, and analyzing data is a microscope :)))
collecting the data
Collecting the data
Collecting the data
Collecting the data
Collecting data mean to gather information in an experiment.
The Scientific Method
I think all of those steps are in the scientific method
By asking questions and collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data to answer them.
the collection of data and tables means that database management system that is called DBMS
Collecting data
The means by which a biologist answers a scientific question is experiments and collecting data. Biologists are then able to make theories.