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Q: What are the segments of an annelid called?
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Are annelid worms bodies divided into segments?

yes, annelids bodies are divided into segments xoxo

Does annelid worms have jointed limbs or segments?

no. just simply no. ok

Why is an earthworm considers as an annelid?

Because the worm has many rings around its bodies which makes it a an Annelid. Annelid="Ringed" and refers to a series of rings or segments that make up the bodies of the members of this phylum.

What is annelid phylum?

The annelid phylum consists of segmented worms, which have bodies made up of repeated segments called metameres. Annelids typically have a fluid-filled cavity called a coelom that serves as a hydrostatic skeleton for movement. They can be found in marine, freshwater, and terrestrial environments around the world.

Are caterpillars annelids?

No, they are arachnids. Annelids are segmented worms.

Are worms and leech annelids?

ough. tapeworms and annelid are worms, leeches are not in the worm family. Leeches and earthworms are annelid worms. The name comes from the "ring"-like body segments. Leeches may not look like worms but they definitely are. Tapeworms are members of the flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes).

Are worms and leeches are annelids?

ough. tapeworms and annelid are worms, leeches are not in the worm family. Leeches and earthworms are annelid worms. The name comes from the "ring"-like body segments. Leeches may not look like worms but they definitely are. Tapeworms are members of the flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes).

What is attached to each annelid segment are bristles called?

Setae are attached to each annelid segment. These bristles provide traction for movement and help anchor the worm in the substrate.

What is Good soil formed by the action of the common annelid called?


What are the segments in chordates that have been modified into segments called?


What are the line segments that form a polygon called?

The line segments that form a polygon called are called sides or edges.

What kind of worms has a body made up of ma y segments?

I think an earth worm is a kind of segmented worm. It's not much but I hope it helped!