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Q: What are the sides of fold where curvature is at minimum called?
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What sides of a fold where curavature is at a minimum are termed?

sides of a fold where curavature is at a minimum are termed?

What are the two sides of a fold called?

The two sides of a fold are called the limbs. The limb above the fold is referred to as the anticline limb, while the limb below the fold is known as the syncline limb.

The central portion of high curvature on a fold is termed the fold?

The central portion of high curvature on a fold is termed the hinge. It represents the tightest bending or folding point along the fold structure.

What are the sloping sides of a fold?

The sloping sides of a fold are called limbs. They represent the inclined surfaces that connect the crest (top) and trough (bottom) of the fold.

Extends as a double fold from the greater curvature of the stomach?

Greater Omentum

Why is a square is always symmetric?

because it has equal sides and you can fold it anyway and it will still have equal sides

How do you fold a snowflake?

snowflakes have 6 sides, so you fold the piece of paper 3 times.

What is hinge of a fold?

The hinge of a fold is the point of maximum curvature where the limbs of the fold meet. It represents the axis of rotation where the rock layers have undergone the most severe deformation. The orientation of the hinge can provide information about the direction and amount of strain that affected the rocks.

What is circular to elliptical structure developed by downwarping of the central strata is a?

That structure is called a syncline, where the central layers dip towards the axis of the fold. It is a common feature in geological formations and is characterized by a U-shaped curvature.

How do you fold a piece of paper vertically top to bottom?

First identify which are the long sides. Paper can be held either in portrait or landscape position. In portrait, the longer sides are the sides, and the shorter sides are the top and bottom. In landscape, it is the opposite. Since your question didn't indicate portrait or landscape, I will give the directions for portrait. For landscape, just turn the paper so that the longer sides are top and bottom. For portrait, make sure that the longer sides are at the sides. Now fold the paper so that the longer sides touch, then press the paper to make a crease along the fold. For landscape, fold the paper so that the shorter sides touch, and press the paper to make a crease along the fold.

How do you make origami count dooku?

Fold bottom paper back fold both sides in half fold top down fold top corners back not to big!DRAW

Is an upward fold in a rock called a plateau?

No, an upward fold in a rock is typically called an anticline. A plateau is a flat-topped elevated landform with steep sides. Plateaus are usually formed by processes such as erosion or volcanic activity, rather than folding.