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Just because a boyfriend or husband isn't all over you like a cheap suit doesn't mean he doesn't still find you attractive. It appears the longer you are going together or married each of you feels the other is as comfy as an old slipper, so it's more likely boredom is setting in and it has nothing to do with your looks. Your boyfriend/husband could be working hard, studying and working and only you know that. That would make any guy tired. Perhaps he's a little depressed or something is worrying him. Instead of wondering, just sit down with him one night and start talking and asking him questions. Communicate! Perhaps there is a way you can help him and if not, at least you can be supportive. Suggest going on a mini holiday and do something you both like. Take that stress away! Never let any man know you 100% and that goes for the men too! Otherwise, it's boring! Good luck Marcy

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Q: What are the signs that he doesn't find you attractive anymore?
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