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Q: What are the simplest types of sugers?
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Why are sugers added to food?

To make it taste yummy :D

Substance made up of two sugers?

Lactose. Fructose. Maltose.

What type of bonds join phosphate groups to the sugers?

Peptide bonds

Is sauerkraut produced with the help of bacteria?

Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcusconvert the sugers into lactic acid.

What molecule is fixed during the Calvin cycle to produce produce sugers?

Carbon dioxide

How many sugars are there in an average bottle of pure maple syrup?

123495687763475475676626634764358690763207463475666573674657346587823798658947587568758967863745576464664646374673642375736492462488587565656552612864545548548754545487587458785487848748485445554548734235346949494730548609357736938769348590238503458353535355 sugers, don't worry, I counted.

What happens to excess sugers?

Gets converted to fat and stored in the body! Please put your questions in the right category.

What are the good things in 100 percent fruit jam?

More vitamins less sugers so better for you Taste

How do you get rid of pin worm?

Drink lemon juice or other citric juices the acid kills them and also avoid sugers

What would happen if glucagon was damaged or missing?

Could not get any Sugers to the cells which means the cells would die off if it was damage.