The number six is written VI in Roman numerals.
The number six is represented as "VI" in Roman numerals.
The number 1966 (nineteen sixty six) in Roman numerals is MCMLXVI
The number six is written VI in Roman numerals.
The number six is represented as "VI" in Roman numerals.
The number 1966 (nineteen sixty six) in Roman numerals is MCMLXVI
In roman numerals six is written as VI.
It is 605 in Hindu-Arabic numerals and in Roman numerals it is DCV
36 in Roman numerals is XXXVI.
6 is equal to VI But if you mean the Roman numerals of SIX it equals 8.5 (10-1.5) in Hindu-Arabic numerals
In Roman numerals six (10-1.5) is equal to viiis (8.5) So: viiis+viiis = xvii which is the equivalent of 17 in Hindu-Arabic numerals Roman numerals are normally arranged in block capital letters but this computer for some reason won't allow it.
VI are the Roman numrals for the number six.
One is I in Roman numerals. This is two II, but four is IV, V is five, and six is VI.