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Q: What are the solution of poor educational system?
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What is the Solution of poor education system in the Philippines?


If you would be given the chance to become the president of the Philippines how would you handle the poor educational system in our country?

If i given a chance to become a presedint i will handle the educational system in our country bcoz of the eyes of many people education is a key to succes

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The educational system in South America is very tough for kids because the parents can't help them with their homework. Oh and 90 percent of them are literate but the poor education system continues to grow.

What is the educational system in Algerian?

algerian pre-university educational system works

When was Church Educational System created?

Church Educational System was created in 1877.

When was Educational Broadcasting System created?

Educational Broadcasting System was created in 1990.

What is the educational system like in mexico?

The educational system in is good if you're in a private school. But if you're in a public school, the educational system might be pretty poorly.

What do poor counties have to face?

To optimize the educational processes .

What is new England's educational system?

new englands educational system is the same as americas

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The motto of Educational Broadcasting System is '미래를 여는 지식채널'.

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Homosexuality has nothing to do with the educational system or any other systems!

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