Some specs of an x ray machine would include the height, length, and width of the overall machine, the lower half, and the upper half of the x ray machine.
The sun gives off radiation. An x-ray machine gives off radiation.
x ray and xylaphone
X-Ray, Xerox
X-ray, x-chicken, x-friesxylophone
yes, you can see keys with x-ray specs. you can see any item or foe with them in a dungeon.
Yes. An x-ray is a compound machine.
No, x ray machine can not see.
What makes a x-ray machine work?
The X-ray tube is the part of the X-ray machine that emits the X-rays (very high energy photons).
X-Ray Specs.
there the "x-ray specs" and they reveal hidden stairs and items
X ray
A gamma ray might have a good chance of going right through the X-ray machine. Remember that the X-ray machine creates X-rays and not gamma rays to perform its function.
NO The x-ray machine was invented in Germany in late 1885.
fuger of of X-Ray
Wilhelm conrad rontgen made the first x ray machine.