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Q: What are the spectator ions in Na plus plus OH- plus CI- H2O plus Na plus plus CI?
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What is the correct name for an ionic compound made up of calcium ions Ca2 plus and chloride ions CI?

Calcium Chloride

which equation is balance in a basic solution?

CIO H2O 2e- CI- 2OH

What is the complete ionic equation for NaOH plus HC equals H2O plus NaCl?

The complete ionic equation for the reaction between NaOH and HC is: Na⁺(aq) + OH⁻(aq) + H⁺(aq) + Cl⁻(aq) → H₂O(l) + Na⁺(aq) + Cl⁻(aq). This equation shows all the ions in the solution before and after the reaction takes place.

What is a Welsh canine?

As in what is dog in Welsh?, chi or ci (plus other mutations).

Which ions has the same electron configuration of a noble gas ca or ci?

Cl- and Ca2+ has the electronic configuration of the noble gas, Ar, with 18 electrons.

What is the protons in one neutral atom of CI?

Carbon has 6 protons and Iodine has 53, though to my knowledge, they usually combine to form Carbon Tetraiodide (with four Iodide ions) and not CI. But I'm no chemist. CI is also a common misspelling of Cl (with a lowercase L) Cl is the elements chlorine with 17 protons.

Where can you get a job application for Ci Ci's Pizza?

At Ci Ci's Pizza.

Is Na CI compound?

Yes, NaCl is a compound. It is composed of sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) ions, which are held together by ionic bonds to form salt.

What is the bonding process for Na-CI?

Sodium (Na) and chloride (Cl) bond via ionic bonding. Na donates an electron to Cl, forming Na+ and Cl- ions. The opposite charges on the ions attract each other, resulting in a strong electrostatic force that holds the ions together in a crystal lattice structure.

What does ci mean in Roman Numerals?

It is: CI = 101

Is HCI - H CI-- true of a base?

No, HCI- (Hydrogen Chloride) is a weak acid, not a base. It dissociates in water to form H+ and Cl- ions, contributing to the acidity of the solution.

The main ions in sea water are?

The four MAIN IONS in seawater in descending order of abundance are: CI: Chloride Na: Sodium SO4: Sulfate Mg: magnesium Found in Leckie-Yuretich: Investigating the Ocean, Page 114, Seawater Salinity: The salt of the Ocean