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Any number can have only one square. That for 60 is 3600.

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Q: What are the square numbers of 60?
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What two whole numbers are between the square root of 60?

The square root of 60 is a single number; you can't have other numbers "between" it. It does work the other way, though - the square root of 60 is between other numbers.

What is 60 square?

A trick for figuring out squares of larger numbers that is sometimes helpful: if you can write the numbers as the product of two different numbers, then you can square those two numbers and multiply that to find the square of the original. 602 = 102*62 = 100*36 = 3600

What square numbers are between 60 and 70?

The only square number of an integer between 60 and 70 is 64, which is 8 squared.

Which nmbers beteen 50 and 60 have an odd number of factors?

Square numbers have an odd number of factors. There are no square numbers in that range.

What is the sum of the whole numbers between square root of 12 and the square root of 60?

The four possible answers are +/- 18 or +/- 22.

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How many integers less than 60 have an even number of factors?

All but the square numbers - 53 of them.

What two whole numbers does 3 and square root of 60 lie between justify your answer?

The square root of 60 lies between 7 and 8 because 7 squared is 49 and 8 squared is 64 and 60 is in between 49 and 64.

How many square miles is 60 acres?

There are 640 acres in a square mile. To find the number of square miles in 60 acres, you would divide 60 by 640, which equals 0.09375 square miles. Therefore, 60 acres is approximately 0.09375 square miles.

How many square feet is 60 inches by 30 inches?

Multiply the two numbers and you get 1,800 square inches. Each square foot has 144 square inches. So you get 12.5 square feet.

What are the square numbers between 30-60?

36 = 6 x 6 49 = 7 x 7

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