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Q: What are the start and end points o fthe field lines as indicated by the fillings?
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What are points and lines in a plane?

Points and lines on the same plane are coplanar.

How is the strength of an electric field indicated with electric field lines?

Given a positive charge the electric field lines are drawn starting from the charge and pointing radially outward, ending in principle at infinity, according to the electric field strength being proportional to the inverse square of distance. From the definition of electric field we know that the modulous of the electric field is greater for smaller distances from the field generating charge. Since the electric field lines point radially outward we consider the density of lines an indication of the strength of the electirc field. If we immagine to trace a circle around the electric field generating charge, of radius slightly greater than the radius of the object which holds the charge and therefore generates the electric field, such circle will be crossed by a number 'n' of lines. The density of lines crossing the cirle will then be the circumference of the circle divided by the number 'n' of lines. For a larger circle we will have a greater circumference, but same number of lines 'n', and therefore a smaller density of lines crossing it, which idicates a lower intesity of electric field for a greater distance from the charge.

Do 3 lines that intersect in 3 points?

A triangle? Three lines that intersect in three points.

What are points or lines that are not in the same plane?

If the question is .. " Points and lines in the same plane "? then the anwser is COPLANER

What is a network of lines used for location points?

A network of lines used for locating points is a coordinate grid

Related questions

Why do the iron fillings align themselves with the magnetic field?

Iron fillings are made up of small magnetic domains that align themselves with an external magnetic field due to the magnetic forces between the fillings and the field. This alignment results in the fillings forming patterns in the direction of the magnetic field lines, making the field around a magnet visible.

How can you use iron fillings to show the shape of a magnetic field?

You can sprinkle iron fillings near a magnet to observe the pattern of the magnetic field. The iron fillings will align along the magnetic field lines, making the shape of the magnetic field visible. This technique helps visualize the direction and strength of the magnetic field.

What are magnetic field lines and how do they show the strength of a magnet?

Magnetic field lines are imaginary lines that show the direction of the magnetic field around a magnet. The density of the field lines indicates the strength of the magnet, with closer spacing denoting stronger magnetic fields. The direction of the field lines shows the direction a north pole of a compass needle would point in the presence of the magnet.

Are the magnetic lines force of a bar magnets strongest at the end of the magnet or in the middle?

That is where the field lines originate and therefore where they are thickest. The thicker the field lines, the stronger the field. To see the magnetic field lines, cover your magnet with a piece of paper and spread metal fillings over it.

What is true about magnetic field lines but not electric field limes?

Magnetic field lines are closed loops, while electric field lines always start at positive charges and end at negative charges. Additionally, magnetic field lines do not have beginning or end points, unlike electric field lines which have distinct starting and ending points.

How is the direction of an electric field indicate with electrical fields lines?

The direction of an electric field is indicated by the direction in which the electric field lines point. Electric field lines point away from positive charges and towards negative charges. The closer the field lines are together, the stronger the electric field in that region.

How tightly packed the magnetic lines tells us?

The density of magnetic field lines indicates the strength of the magnetic field. More closely packed lines suggest a stronger magnetic field, while widely spaced lines suggest a weaker field in that region. The direction of the magnetic field is indicated by the orientation of the field lines.

How do the electric field lines appear when the field has the same strength at all points in reign?

In a uniform electric field with the same strength at all points, the electric field lines are straight, parallel, and evenly spaced. This indicates that the electric field strength is constant.

If you place a charge into an electric fieldit will move in the direction indicated by the electric field lines?

Yes, a charge placed in an electric field will experience a force in the direction of the field lines due to the interaction between the charge and the field. The charge will move along the field lines if it is free to do so.

How are magnetic field lines like electric field lines?

Magnetic field lines are similar to electric field lines in that they both represent the direction and strength of the field at various points in space. Both types of field lines are used to visualize the field's behavior and provide insights into the field's properties. However, magnetic field lines form closed loops, while electric field lines start and end on charges.

What is Equipotential lines in electric field?

Equipotential lines in an electric field are imaginary lines that connect points having the same electric potential. Along these lines, no work is required to move a charge between the points, as the electric potential is the same. Equipotential lines are always perpendicular to electric field lines.

Are the lines that map out the magnetic field around a magnet?

The lines that map out the magnetic field around a magnet are called magnetic field lines. These lines indicate the direction of the magnetic field and its strength at different points around the magnet. Magnetic field lines are closest together where the magnetic field is strongest and they form closed loops that do not intersect.