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Q: What are the statistics for nuclear families?
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Related questions

What famous families are nuclear families?

The Simpsons !

Which country has the most nuclear families?

Since China has the greatest number of people, it inevitably has the most nuclear families.

What is the useful of counting statistics experiment in nuclear lab?

Counting statistics experiments in nuclear lab helps with science. This helps learn of numbers and measurements.

What are the different types of families in Mauritian society?

There are joint families , nuclear families and singlle families in mauritius.

Are Russian families nuclear or extended?


Families can be further broken down into?

Families can be further broken down into nuclear families (parents and children), extended families (relatives beyond nuclear family), single-parent families (one parent raising children), and blended families (combining children from previous relationships).

Does Italy have extended or nuclear families?

they are mostly extended families depending on how large the family is.

Why are nuclear families best for the UK?

Nuclear families are best for the family, but not necessarily best for a country. Good character and ability for taking responsibility by the adults are the the type of families best for a country. Those kinds of adults can be found in families not matter what their make up and conversely, a nuclear family can be headed by irresponsible adults.

Does Poland have nuclear or extended family?

Yes,they do have extened and nuclear families through out poland.

Does Burma have mostly nuclear families?

peasnut butgpdfsigdaklsjdsf

Is Iran made up of extended or nuclear families?

Iran no nuclear! We no have nuclear anything! You obama go jump in lake! Allahu akbar!

Where do I go to find out the current statistics in the state of Washington regarding how many families are on government food stamps?

You have to go to the Department of Agriculture to find out the current statistics in the state of Washington regarding how many families are on the government food stamps.