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Train accidents are not as common as they used to be, thankfully. It is importnat to learn about train safety and to always stay off of train tracks, they are not a place to play.

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Q: What are the statistics for train accidents in the US?
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How many people die from trains crashes each year?

According to the US DOT, about 1000 deaths occur each year from train crashes. Of those, some 600 are due to train/automobile accidents.

How many people die in bike accidents in US?

According to statistics there are nearly 700 people died from bicycle-related accidents every year.

What are rail accidents?

Accidents that involve a train or railroad.

What statistics can one find about big rig accidents?

One can find statistics on the number of big rig accidents per year, the frequency, and percentage. Most are annual statistics, although there are some bi-annual and cumulative statistics.

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There are all kinds of big rig accident statistics. They are not involved in accidents as much as other vehicles.

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Lucian West Chaney has written: 'Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States to the end of 1927 ..' -- subject(s): Industrial accidents 'Accidents and accident prevention in machine building' -- subject(s): Accidents, Safety appliances, Machine shops, Prevention, Machinery 'Statistics of industrial accidents in the United States' -- subject(s): Statistics, Industrial accidents

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Statistics on boating accidents can be found from many online sites. Some of the best sites to find boat accident statistics are USCG Boating, MYFWC and DBW.

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possible accidents

How many car accidents in us in 2007?

According to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, there were 6,024,000 car crashes in the US in 2007, 41,059 fatalities, and 2,491,000 injured persons.

How many train accidents occur in a typical year?

Over a thousand train accidents occur per year in Canada. In 2009 alone, there were 1038 accidents. Almost 50% of these were non-main-track train derailments. Almost 18% were crossing accidents, and these crossing accidents resulted in 19 fatalities.

Where can one find statistics of airplane accidents?

There is a website called "PlaneCrashInfo" which contains statistics of airplane accidents dating back to 1960. The statistics are presented through charts and graphs which are very easy to understand and navigate through.

How can you find the statistics for train accidents in Chicago?

You can find this information out through the Department of Transportation. Railroad crossings were the site of fatal car-train crashes 1,896 times in 2009 in Chicago, according to the report. These accidents caused 705 injures and 247 deaths. In addition, 431 people died and 343 were injured while trespassing on railroad property,