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Q: What are the step comparing integers?
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-230 < -335, is it right?

What is the sum of two integers with unlike sign?

Step 1: Find the difference of the two numbers (ignoring their signs). Step 2: Give that number the sign of the larger of the two integers. Step 3: There is no step 3, because you are done!

When comparing two integers the integer with the bigger absolute value is always the greater integer?

The statement is false.

Is greater than in integers means addition?

No. "Greater than" is for comparing which number is larger, and is denoted with the symbol >.

What are comparing integers?

comparing integers are when you have two numbers, and you need to find out how to get the greater number. Ex: -3 > < -4. You have to see which number is the bigger number, and then put a greater than or less than sign. so the answer would be: -3 because you have to find the number that is closest to zero on the number line.

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How is the least common multiple similar to the common denominator?

It's the same process, except the integers you're comparing are denominators.

When comparing soil samples what is the first step you should take?

The first step in comparing soil samples is to collect representative samples from each location. Ensure that samples are taken consistently and are handled carefully to maintain their integrity for accurate comparison.

How we will get common factor of any number?

Common factors result from comparing the lists of factors of at least two integers and selecting the ones that are on both lists.

When comparing two integers the integer with the greater absolute value is always the greater integer?

No.A positive integer is always larger than a negative integer. In the case of two negative integers, the integer with the larger absolute value is actually smaller.

What is the meaning of the science process comparing?

Comparing in the science process involves looking at different objects or phenomena to identify similarities and differences, leading to a better understanding of their properties or behaviors. It helps scientists draw conclusions, make predictions, or establish relationships between variables. Comparing is an essential step in scientific inquiry to analyze data and draw valid conclusions.

What is rule of addition of integers?

Rule: The sum of two negative integers is a negative integer.Rule: The sum of two positive integers is a positive integer.Procedure: To add a positive and a negative integer (or a negative and a positive integer), follow these steps:1. Find the absolute value of each integer.2. Subtract the smaller number from the larger number you get in Step 1.3. The result from Step 2 takes the sign of the integer with the greater absolute value.