67.2 as a decimal is simply 67.2. In decimal form, whole numbers like 67 are represented to the right of the decimal point. Since 67 is already a whole number, it can be directly expressed as a decimal without any additional steps or conversions.
Decimal move to the left by 12 steps.
The steps for rounding is to underline the place to round to. Look at the number to the right. If that number is 5,6,7,8,9 then add one to the underlined number and drop the numbers to the right or fill in with zeros if it is between it and the decimal. 5.3425 is about 5.34 since the 2 is not 5,6,7,8,9.
There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.There are several different algorithms for sorting numbers by size. ?The steps to take will depend on which algorithm you wish to use.
change % to decimal
67.2 as a decimal is simply 67.2. In decimal form, whole numbers like 67 are represented to the right of the decimal point. Since 67 is already a whole number, it can be directly expressed as a decimal without any additional steps or conversions.
In that you carry out exactly the same steps - AND you must determine the correct position of the decimal point.
STEP 1:Take out the points and multiply as normal. STEP 2:After multiplying,count the numbers that are after the decimal points. STEP 3:Then look at your answer and put in your decimal places from the right to the left.
To convert from decimal to percentage, you need to multiply the decimal by 100 and put the "%" sign
Decimal move to the left by 12 steps.
cross multiply and the fraction with the largest total is a greater fraction
These are the steps to convert a decimal into a fraction: (1) Place a 1 under the decimal to convert it to fraction form: .845/1 (2) Remove the decimal and place as many 0's to the right of the 1 as there are numbers to the right of the decimal: 845/1000 (3) Reduce the fraction to its lowest term: 169/200
3 and 6/10 = 3.6 as a decimal
By leaving it alone because 3.0035 is already expressed as a decimal
if it is a decimal, move the decimal point 2 places right and a a percent sign....if its a fraction make a decimal then do the steps above ;)
steps rounding off number
You don't have to reduce the steps.