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The first step of making a snow many is to bundle up in warm clothes including gloves to prevent frostbite. After that, make a ball of snow. Roll the ball in the snow until it is the desired size for the bottom of the snowman. Repeat this step to make a medium sized and then small ball. Stack the three balls on top of one another.

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Q: What are the steps necessary to make a snowman?
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Where does one learn how to make a snowman?

Mom Tastic provides 6 simple steps for making the perfect snowman. Some steps of the process include stacking, enabling snowballs to align with eachother, and adding more complex features such as eyes, nose, and arms.

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Jem devises a method to make a snowman by using dirt and water to create the body, rolling it into a large ball, and then shaping it into the form of a snowman.

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how might the particles that make up a snowman end up in the ocean

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