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I have included a link on histogram, which is the same thing as a frequency plot. It will give you some ideas on how to make one. I think a very important first step, is to check your data. Make sure it is correct. You should know the reasonable values for your data in case errors occurred in writing down the values (transcription errors). Then you need to find the range of your data (maximum and minimum). If this was a very large dataset, we would store the values in a spreadsheet program, to quickly identify the maximum and minimum. Once you know the maximum and minimum, you need to select the number of intervals or bins. There are some suggested equations as given in the related link, but you can chose the bins that you feel is appropriate. The bins must cover the full range of the data. There are many spreadsheet programs that will help. You may want to use the Excel spreadsheet, which will count the frequency (using the frequency function) and draw the plot. You still have to decide on the interval (bin) to use. However. if you are not familar with spreadsheets, then you might find it easier to draw it yourself. Generally, we use a bar chart in plotting frequencies. Once you have a frequency diagram showing the number of values in each interval, you can easily change this into a relative frequency plot (histogram), which is the number of values in each interval divided by the total number of values in the data set.

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Q: What are the steps of drawing a frequency curve?
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What is Frequency curve?

A frequency curve is a graph obtained by joining the points of a frequency polygon freehand smoothly.

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In order to plot the points on either the frequency polygon or curve, the mid values of the class intervals of the distribution are calculated. Then the frequencies with respect to the mid points are plotted. However in a frequency curve the points are joined by a smooth curve, where as in a frequency polygon the points are joined by straight lines. Apart from this major difference, a frequency polygon is a closed figure where as the frequency curve is not.

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A cumulative frequency curve is a graph that shows the cumulative frequency of a data set. This type of graph can present data, such as medians and quartiles. Another name for this curve is an Ogive.

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The Gaussian curve is the Normal distributoin curve, the commonest (and most studied) of statistical distributions.

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The related link below illustrates 3 ways of drawing a curve. The techniques are easily adapted to a quadratic curve.

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The main utility of a cumulative frequency curve is to show the distribution of the data points and its skew. It can be used to find the median, the upper and lower quartiles, and the range of the data.

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The "frequency curves" are called waves. The highest point of a wave is the crest.

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There is no histogram below.However, the area under the curve for any histogram is the total frequency.

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