Optimization problems that involve finding the maxima or minima of functions also involve taking the first derivative of the function and finding locations where the value of the first derivative is equal to zero (by setting f'(x) = 0). The locations are either maxima, minima, or points of inflection and a second derivative test can be used to determine which of the three was found (max: f''(x) < 0, min: f''(x) > 0, PoI: f''(x) = 0).
Identify the problem->brainstorm->compare solutions->evaluate
Gather information
Explore, plan, solve, and examine.
foe r mrejg
problem solving in computer sciences is used to divide a large problem into atomic steps and solving all steps hierarchically.
what are the basic steps of problem solving in algebra and what are the importance of following these steps when presented in a problem.
(a) Explain the 6 steps in problem solving
Defining the problem.
the concept of problem solving problems in algorithms are problem solving in computer, what is the algorithms for solving in problems, what is the rule o algorithms in problem solving, what are the steps to solving a problem with your computer and engineering steps for solving problems
The first step is to show the problem that needs solving.
steps you take to get the answer/solution of your problem
A set of steps for solving a particular problem
Don't be so inconsiderate.