

What are the ten comardments?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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Lvl 1
13y ago

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Sikhs don't have The Ten Commandments as Jews and Christians have. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder and first Guru of Sikhism put down three pillars of Sikhism as:

1. Nam Japo : Remembrance of God in a Meditative manner at all times.

2. Kirat Karo :To honestly earn by one's physical and mental effort.

3. Vaṇḍ Ke Chakkō-"Share and Consume together.

Hope that answer your question.

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Amelie Runte

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What are the Sikhs ten comardments?

Sikhs don't have The Ten Commandments as Jews and Christians have. Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the founder and first Guru of Sikhism put down three pillars of Sikhism as: 1. Nam Japo : Remembrance of God in a Meditative manner at all times. 2. Kirat Karo :To honestly earn by one's physical and mental effort. 3. Vaṇḍ Ke Chakkō-"Share and Consume together. Hope that answer your question.

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