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There is not enough information in the question to answer it. There is not information whatsoever on the angles, where the cords are, where the ball is.

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Q: What are the tensions in the horizontal and angled cords of a ball weighing 487-N?
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How much cords are there?

256 cords

horizontal blinds or vertical?

I would recommend horizontal blinds for an area where the kids play. They seem to be a lot more durable than vertical blinds.

Are the cords for the old Playstation two and the cords for the Playstation two slim the same cords?

yes they are

What effect does tension have on pitch?

Tension in vocal cords can lead to a higher pitch as the cords are stretched more tightly, resulting in increased frequency of vibrations. Conversely, relaxation of vocal cords can lower the pitch as the cords are less tense and create slower vibrations. Finding the right balance of tension is important for producing a controlled and accurate pitch.

Why do you have vocal cords?

you have vocal cords to produce your voice

Where are vocal cords are located?

the vocal cords are in the larynx

What do vocal cords do to your throat?

Vocal cords help you talk.

What is the scientific name for vocal cords?

Vocal cords

What is the Collective noun for cords?

collective noun of cords is what

What contains the vocal cords?

The larynx has two folds, the upper vestibular folds (false vocal cords) and the lower vocal cords (true vocal cords).Note: There are comments associated with this question. See the discussion page to add to the conversation.Read more: What_contains_the_vocal_cords

What is difference between male and female vocal cords?

Male vocal cords are typically thicker and longer than female vocal cords, which results in a lower pitch voice. Female vocal cords are generally shorter and thinner, leading to a higher pitch voice. Additionally, hormonal differences between males and females can also affect the size and structure of the vocal cords.

How many sqft in 5 cords?

how many sq.ft. in 5 cords