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Q: What are the three celestrial coordinates?
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Where is the word celestrial mentioned in the Bible?

The word "celestrial" does not appear anywhere in the KJV bible.

What does celestrial?

in space

What are the coordinates of the fourth vertex of the rectangle?

It depends on what the coordinates of the first three vertices are!

What are the altitude and azimuth coordinates of the North Celestrial Pole in new york?

In New York, the altitude of the North Celestial Pole is approximately equal to the observer's latitude, which is around 40 degrees. The azimuth coordinate is always 0 degrees, indicating that it is due north.

When the shadow of one celestrial body interrupts the view of another the phenomenon is a?

The phenomenon is called an eclipse. When the shadow of one celestial body falls on another, it can result in solar or lunar eclipses, depending on the positioning of the bodies.

What indicates a location?

Three coordinates suffice to define a location in space. On a surface only two coordinates are required.

What are two numbers that specify a point in a plane called?

The two points are the ordered pair of the coordinates of the point.

What is the celestrial sphere?

1. This is a romantic or poetic name for the stars overhead. 2. This is the name of an imaginary sphere whose coordinates correspond with those of the Earth's surface. i.e. The North pole of the CS is above out N pole, the CS equator is above our Equator and so on. It is of importance in Astronomy and consequently for celestial navigation.

What is the star coordinates for on poptropica?

This is for the moon that you get to with the Excalibur.The three that the Queen gives you, are for the three planets that the missing knights are on.

Where is the coordinates page in Astro Knights?

The Queen will give you a card with three sets of coordinates, the planets that the three knights have gone to. However, you will need a closer set of coordinates, and there is one on the missing page from Mordred's Journal. (It is under his bed in the Museum, and the numbers are X-56 Y-52.)

What are the coordinates of the fourth corner of the regular trapezoid?

The answer will depend on the coordinates of the first three corners. But since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer will depend on the coordinates of the first three corners. But since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer will depend on the coordinates of the first three corners. But since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.The answer will depend on the coordinates of the first three corners. But since you have not bothered to share that crucial bit of information, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

How do you find the centroid of a triangle given the coordinates of the vertices?

The x-coordinate of the centroid is the arithmetic mean of the x-coordinates of the three vertices. And likewise, the y-coordinate of the centroid is the arithmetic mean of the y-coordinates of the three vertices. Thus, if A = (x1, y1), B = (x2, y2) and C = (x3, y3) then the coordinates of the centroid, G = [(x1,+ x2 + x3)/3, (y1 + y2 + y3)/3].