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The three common multiples of 2, 6, 8 are:

24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168, 192, 216, 240, 264, 288, 312, 336, 360, 384, 408, 432, 456, 480, 504, 528, 552, 576, 600, 624, 648, 672, 696, 720, 744, 768, 792, 816, 840, 864, 888, 912, 936, 960, 984, 1008, 1032, 1056, 1080, 1104, 1128, 1152, 1176, 1200, 1224, 1248, 1272, 1296, 1320, 1344, 1368, 1392, 1416, 1440, 1464, 1488, 1512, 1536, 1560, 1584, 1608, 1632, 1656, 1680, 1704, 1728, 1752, 1776, 1800, 1824, 1848, 1872, 1896, 1920, 1944, 1968, 1992, 2016, 2040, 2064, 2088, 2112, 2136, 2160, 2184, 2208, 2232, 2256, 2280, 2304, 2328, 2352, 2376, 2400, ...

Oops, that 100 of them; I never could count...

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Q: What are the three common multiples of 2 6 and 8?
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