it can be two eighteenths or etc. depends on how much you multiply it by
Yes, 3/9 = 1/3
One-third plus three-ninths is 2/3.7/9
Select any integer greater than one. Multiply both the numerator (two) and the denominator (nine) by the number you have selected. You now have a new, equivalent fraction.
only one fraction is equivalent 3/9 = 6/18
First, simplify this fraction to simplest terms. That will give you one equivalent fraction. If you want additional equivalent fractions, multiplying numerator and denominator by the same number will give you additional equivalent fractions.
one third 1/3
No. Three ninths is equivalent to one third.
it can be two eighteenths or etc. depends on how much you multiply it by
Ah, what a happy little question we have here! Three ninths is like a small piece of a big pie. If we simplify it, we find that one-third is equivalent to three ninths. Just like painting, sometimes we need to step back and see the bigger picture to find the beauty in fractions.
Yes, 3/9 = 1/3
No. To find equivalent fractions, divide the numerator and denominator by the same integer. 3/9 divided by 3/3 = 1/3 (which is twice as large as 1/6)
One-third plus three-ninths is 2/3.7/9
one fourth
LCM problems refer to whole numbers, not fractions.