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Q: What are the three flaws in the transparent globe hypothesis?
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What are the three parts of the globe?

The Globe Theater was the primary home of William Shakespeare's acting company. It had three main parts, the outside of the globe, the globe stage and the tiring house.

What are the three parts to a hypothesis?

The three parts of a hypothesis are to identify the problem, make an educated guess and identify the major variables. A hypothesis is the description of a scientific question.

What three dimensional shape is globe?

The shape of the globe is a sphere.

What are three examples of transparent?

iceglassairdiamondPETEplastic wrapquartzcalcitejellyfishetc.

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describe three possible ways in which a hypothesis may rise?

Why is a globe an accurate representation of th world?

A globe is circular just as the Earth is. A globe is also just a three-dimensional map.

Is the retina transparent translucent or opaque?

All three ; the front is a mix of transparent & translucent and the back (where the photo-receptor dyes are) is opaque.

What three words do you use for the hypothesis?

if.....then.....because It's my understanding that there are two, not three, intrinsic words in a hypothesis. These are "if" and "then." If there was a third word, I suspect it would be "therefore."

What are the three parts of a hypotnesis statement?

A hypothesis statement consists of three parts: the null hypothesis (H0), the alternative hypothesis (Ha), and the level of significance (alpha). The null hypothesis states that there is no relationship or difference between variables, while the alternative hypothesis suggests the presence of a relationship or difference. The level of significance determines the threshold for accepting or rejecting the null hypothesis based on statistical testing.

What is the three dimensional scale of the earth?

A globe

What is the three scale model of earth?

A globe

Three letter word for globe?
