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Q: What are the three parts of subtraction problems?
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Related questions

What are the parts to a subtraction problems?

minuend, subtrahend and difference

How do you write subtraction problems in words?

For example: three hundred and forty five minus six hundred and forty two equals three hundred and three. thats how u write it in words

Parts of a subtraction problem?

minuend - subtrahend = difference

How do you solve integer subtraction problems?

It depends on the problem. An integer subtraction can be one number, take away another number.

What types of problems can be solved using LCM?

Problems involving the addition and subtraction of unlike fractions.

Why should you keep your attention focused on your work when you solve addition and subtraction problems?

you should keep your attention focused on your work when you solve addition and subtraction problems because you might get confused

What are the parts of a subtraction sentence called?

minuend, subtrahend, difference

What are the different kinds of problems in math?

there are multiplication, subtraction, addition, and division!

How can you solve problems involving multiplication division addition subtraction?

By doing the arithmetic.

Can commutative be solved by addition subtraction and multipication problems?

Commutativity is a property of some mathematical operations - such as addition or multiplication of real numbers, but not subtraction. It cannot be "solved".

Does it matter when using subtraction the order in which the numbers are presented?

Yes it matters. Subtraction is not commutative. Example: 5-2 = 3 (positive three), but 2-5 = -3 (negative three)

What are subtraction problems that equal 10?

21 - 11 22 - 12 23 - 13