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Q: What are the three types of symmetry and what type do humans have?
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What are the three types of symmetry in science?

Rotational Symmetry, Traversal Symmetry, -Insert third type here-

What are the types of symmetry?

One type of symmetry is rotation. The second type of symmetry is translation. The third type of symmetry is reflection.

All vertabrates including humans display what type of symmetry?

All vertebrates including humans display bilateral symmetry.

Three gruops that have this type of symmetry?

The answer will depend on what you mean by "this type".

Which type of symmetry does the tessellated plane have?

There are several different types of symmetry. Some of these include reflectional symmetry or rotational symmetry. It depends on how the plane has been tessellated.

What type of symmetry is a grasshopper?

A grasshopper has bilateral symmetry. The left side is essentially a mirror of the right. IT doesn't have any other types of symmetry.

Does a barnacle have bilateral symmetry radial symmetry or is it asymmetrical?

depends on the type of barnacle there different forms with many different types of symmetry. gooseneck barnacles and acorn barnacles are two different types so the question doesn't have an exact answer.

How many syllables does this word have Type your answer then press Enter. symmetry?


What is the symmetry type of an isosceles non equilateral triangle?

An isosceles triangle has two equal sides and one line of symmetry

What does bilateral symmetry mean Name three groups that have this type of symmetry?

Bilaterally symmetrical which means that if you cut them in two along their length, the two pieces would look alike.Three types are (1) Freshwater Planaria (2) Reptiles and (3) amphibians....Hope it helped.

What type or types of quadrilateral has only rotational symmetry?

The quadrilateral would have to be a parallelogram which is not also a rectangle or a rhombus.

Does a triangle have a line of symmetry?

It depends on the type of triangle: -- scalene triangles have three sides of different length, and no lines of symmetry -- isoceles triangles have one line of symmetry that includes the apex -- equilateral triangles have three lines of symmetry, all bisectors through a vertex