percentage, decimal, fraction
Decimals and fractions are ways of representing numbers. Division is an arithmetic operation between two numbers (and the inverse of the multiplication operation). One form of writing the division operation looks like a fraction.
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You can indicate division in 3 different ways: (hard to show in the WikiAnswers browser) - with a division sign (a hyphen with a dot above and a dot below) - as a fraction: 3/8 (but on paper the bar would be horizontal) - as multiplication by a reciprocal: 3 x (1/8) (If this doesn't answer your question, please reword it and resubmit it.)
p = 0 0 < p < 1 p = 1
There is an infinite number of ways three numbers can have the sum of 11
percentage, decimal, fraction
Decimals and fractions are ways of representing numbers. Division is an arithmetic operation between two numbers (and the inverse of the multiplication operation). One form of writing the division operation looks like a fraction.
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You can indicate division in 3 different ways: (hard to show in the WikiAnswers browser) - with a division sign (a hyphen with a dot above and a dot below) - as a fraction: 3/8 (but on paper the bar would be horizontal) - as multiplication by a reciprocal: 3 x (1/8) (If this doesn't answer your question, please reword it and resubmit it.)
With a pen, with a pencil, and with a crayon.
p = 0 0 < p < 1 p = 1
I think there is three different ways to write a fraction. You can write it as a percent, a decimal, and a reduced fraction. I hope this works! :)
You are working with numbers. One is a whole number and the other is a fraction of a whole number (with a decimal point, etc). You apply the same principles of subtracting one number from another or a fraction of one number from a fraction of another. Numbers is numbers!
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The first of the three can be any one of 6 numbers. For each of these choices, the second of the three can be any one of 5 numbers. For each of these choices, the third of the three can be any one of 4 numbers. So there are (6 times 5 times 4) ways to pull three numbers out of the six available = 120 ways. If you don't care what order you wind up with ... meaning, if 1-3-5 and 5-1-3 and 3-1-5 are all the same thing as far as you're concerned ... then there are only 20 different groups of three that you can wind up with.