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Q: What are the traditional colors of first and second and third prize ribbons?
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What ribbons don't I rate if I switch from Marine Corps to Navy?

First of all, why do such a thing? Second, you rate to wear all ribbons you earn as a Marine.

Meaning of placings?

Placings refer to the results or rankings of competitors in a competition or event based on their performance or score. It indicates the position each competitor has achieved relative to others participating in the same event.

On Pokemon platinum how do you get the summary pages so you can see the ribbons?

You will only see the ribbons page where all of your pokemon's ribbons are of the summary after you have gone to Hearthhome City and gotten your costume, because that is the first time you can get ribbons.

Did the colors of the US flag have meaning when it was first created?

No. Those colors were already traditional for flags. The colors of the American flag were taken from the colours of the Great Seal of the United States. The colors were the same as the British flag and were chosen simply because they were traditional flag colors. The symbolic meanings for the particular colors (to match the symbolism on the flag) were suggested at a later date, based on the same sort of rationales used in European coats-of-arms.

How were the first and second legs of the triangular route different?

The first part of the journey from Europe to Africa where the traditional goods were exchanged for the slaves. - The second leg was the transportation of slaves to the Americas.

Who was the founder of awareness ribbons?

There are a variety of awareness ribbons available to purchase and show support. The first ribbon introduced was the yellow ribbon. Other ribbons promote awareness to things such as breast cancer, military, and mourning.

When was the ribbon created?

Ribbons were invented about the same time as textiles. They are considered to be the oldest decorative material for clothing and other goods. The first ribbons were handmade, and there is no record of who made the first one. The history of textiles and ribbons is considered to be as old as civilization itself. Hope that helped! -Jeffrey

Which pallet should i buy from BH cosmetics should you get 120 first or 120 2nd pallet?

from the website: What is the difference between 120 First Edition and 120 Second Edition palette? A: The colors. Our 120 first edition has slightly more bright colors than the second one. First edition also comes with 6 unique mix-and-match colors. If you have never tried one of our eyeshadow palettes before, we recommend to try the 1st edition first as it has bigger variety of colors.

What order are military ribbons mounted?

US Military ribbons are displayed using "Order of Precedence". The highest award is first, the next highest second, and so on. There are any number of websites available to show the proper order. Just websearch something like: US Military awards Order of Precedence.

What are the colors of the horses of the four horsemen?

First = White Second = Red Third = Black Fourth = Pale

Tess cut each of her blue ribbons in fourths she had 36 small pieces. how many pieces of blue ribbons had she at first?

Each of the 36 pieces is one quarter of one of the original ribbons. Therefore there are 36 quarter pieces of ribbon. Thus there were originally 36 × 1/4 = 9 ribbons

How many ribbons do you need To gain access to the ribbon area in diamond?

You need ten ribbons on your first Pokemon but, sometimes once you get in there your Pokemon won't like you as much.