To find equivalent fractions, you first need to get the fraction in its simplest form by dividing both numerator and denominator by any common divisors. In this case, both 10 and 12 divide by 2, so we can simplify the fraction to 5/6. In order to find other equivalent fractions, we just multiply this simplest fraction by any integer (2, 3, 4...). This gives us the first few equivalent fractions of 10/12 as:
5/6, 15/18, 20/24, 25/30...
five fractions equivalent to two thirds = 4/6, 6/9, 8/12, 10/15, 12/18,
5/6, 10/12
6/10 or 3/5
Two fractions that are equivalent to 12/15 are 4/5 and 24/30.
five fractions equivalent to two thirds = 4/6, 6/9, 8/12, 10/15, 12/18,
5/12, 15/36
12/40 and 3/10
10/12, 15/18
5/6, 10/12
5/6, 10/12
6/10 or 3/5
5/6 is equivalent to 10/12 and 15/18
Two fractions that are equivalent to 12/15 are 4/5 and 24/30.
12/20 and 3/5 are equivalent to 6/10