greek geometria means the measurement of earth or land
from ge "earth, land" and metria "to measure."
A 5 sided shape is called a pentagon because Geometry was studied (and practically invented) by the Greeks. The word pentagon is made up of two Greek words: πέντε γωνία which are: πέντε (or pente) the Greek for 5 γωνία (or gonia) the Greek for Corner or Angle. Thus the word "Pentagon" literally means "five angles", so a pentagon is a shape with five angles. Having five angles it also has five sides. All two dimensional shapes are called polygons; this too comes from two Greek words: πολλοί (polloi) meaning Many (transliterated into English as "poly") γωνία (gonia) meaning Angle (as before). Thus a "Polygon" is literally a "many angled" shape.
Two dimensional geometry is called "plane geometry" meaning that it occurs on a single surface or plane. The objects used in plane geometry are called plane figures.
Presumably it is simply geometry. However, plane geometry is geometry which is limited to objects with up to two dimensions, that is, objects that lie in a plane - or on a flat surface.
a plane
euclidean Geometry where the parallel line postulate exists. and the is also eliptic geometry where the parallel line postulate does not exist.
The word "microscope" comes from the Greek words "mikros" meaning small and "skopein" meaning to look at or examine.
The word Exodus is Latin and comes almost directly from Greek. The Greek word is exodos and comes from two other Greek words: ex 'out of' and hodos'way'
Demos, greek - the people cracy.. probably also from greek - ruling
Ice cream is two words, and neither of them comes from Greek. Ice comes from Old Norse, and cream comes from Anglo-French.
Hiero - holyGlyphics - Writing
It comes from two greek words meaning breakdown body.
The word "dinosaur" comes from the Greek words "deinos," meaning "terrible" or "fearfully great," and "sauros," meaning "lizard" or "reptile."
Actually, it's two Greek roots in one. "Bio-" comes from the Greek meaning life. "-graphy" comes from the Greek meaning "write". Therefore, a biography is something that is written about someone's life.
The answer would be rhinos.
From the words τῆλε, (tēle), "far" and φωνή, (phōnē), "voice" or "yell".