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Q: What are the two interacting environments that provide the variables and forces affecting how an organization operates and exists?
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What are constant and controlled variables?

Constant/controlled variables are variables that remain the same throughout an experiment. For example, if you wanted to see whether light affected how well plants grow, you would feed them equal amounts of water, so that the only variable affecting their growth was light exposure.

What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.

What are controlled independent and dependent variables?

control variables: the things that are not changing.Independent variables: the things that you change.Dependent variables: the things that are changed due to the independent variable

Can continuous variables assume a limited number of values between any 2 specific values?

Yes, if you have two limiting variables with other possibles variables between them, the variables between the limiting variables would be continuous.

What is a inderpendent variable?

Dependent variables and independent variables refer to values that change in relationship to each other. The dependent variables are those that are observed to change in response to the independent variables. The independent variables are those that are deliberately manipulated to invoke a change in the dependent variables. In short, "if x is given, then y occurs", where x represents the independent variables and y represents the dependent variables. Depending on the context, independent variables are also known as predictor variables, regressors, controlled variables, manipulated variables, explanatory variables, or input variables. The dependent variable is also known as the response variable, the regressand, the measured variable, the responding variable, the explained variable, the outcome variable, the experimental variable or the output variable. This answer was coppied onto this page by tom hills of falmouth waii

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The key variables affecting classical conditioning include the timing of the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli, the strength of the stimuli, the predictability of the association between the stimuli, and the intensity of the response to the unconditioned stimulus. These variables can influence the effectiveness and rate of learning in classical conditioning.

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Dayal Kiringoda has written: 'Variables affecting the choice of accounting methods'

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How can you eliminate confounding variables in your experiment?

To eliminate confounding variables, or variables that were not controlled and damaged the validity of the experiment by affecting the dependent and independent variable, the experimenter should plan ahead. They should run many checks before actually running an experiment.

What do people mean by possible outcome?

Possible outcomes means things that can happen as a result of specific variables interacting together. Possible outcomes can be good or bad.

What are Structural variables in an organization?

Structural variables in an organization refer to aspects such as hierarchy, reporting relationships, division of labor, and formalization of rules and procedures. These variables determine how work is organized, coordinated, and executed within the organization. They establish the framework for decision-making, communication, and resource allocation.

How do you make a dry ice data chart?

To make a dry ice data chart, you can collect data on variables such as temperature, pressure, volume, and time when dry ice is interacting with different substances or environments. Organize the data in a table or graph format to visually represent the results of your experiments and observations. Use appropriate labels and units to make the data chart clear and informative.

Why do space programs hospitals and the food industry create controlled environments and control microorganisms?

Apparently to study the properties of certain microorganisms. they create artificial environments with controlled variables for them to know the reactions of these microorganisms to certain stimuli.

What are constant and controlled variables?

Constant/controlled variables are variables that remain the same throughout an experiment. For example, if you wanted to see whether light affected how well plants grow, you would feed them equal amounts of water, so that the only variable affecting their growth was light exposure.

What is re-entrant program?

A re-entrant program is a type of program that can be interrupted in the middle of its execution and then resumed without affecting the outcome. This is achieved by ensuring that the program does not rely on global variables or state that could be changed by external factors during its execution. Re-entrant programs are designed to be thread-safe and can be used in multitasking or multi-threaded environments.

Which form of business organization is most affected by the instability of environment of a country why?

Every business has both the external as well as internal variables on which the stability and profitability of the organization is directly linked to. So whether the organization has a horizontal or vertical structure, they are bound to get affected with environmental fluctuations. The business co-exist in the variables of these factors and it has to follow the principle of "Survival Of Fittest".