The sum of two numbers is an equation. Depends on the two numbers being added what the answer will be.
The two numbers that are being added are each called addends, and the result is called a sum.
Yes, if you are adding two negative numbers then the answer will be a negative. However, if you are multiplying or dividing two negative numbers then the answer will be a positive number.
|a + b| ≤ |a| + |b|
The two consecutive numbers which when added equal 59 are 29 and 30.
The sum of two numbers is an equation. Depends on the two numbers being added what the answer will be.
The addends
The resulting number is their "sum".
The numbers being added together are called addends. The answer is called the sum. 4+2=6 Four and two are addends and six is the sum.
The two numbers that are being added are each called addends, and the result is called a sum.
Another number added to a number is the sum (total) of the two numbers.
Yes, if you are adding two negative numbers then the answer will be a negative. However, if you are multiplying or dividing two negative numbers then the answer will be a positive number.
Alignment of the radix points.
|a + b| ≤ |a| + |b|
Sums are typically made up of two or more numbers that are added together to produce a total. This total represents the combined value of the numbers being added.
The two consecutive numbers which when added equal 59 are 29 and 30.