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Mean and Standard Deviation

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Q: What are the two parameters that are necessary to determine probabilities for a particular normal distribution curve?
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Why the central limit theorem tells us that it is OK to use the normal distribution to determine probabilities of x?

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) says no such thing! In fact, it states the exact opposite.The CLT sets out the conditions under which you may use the normal distribution as an approximation to determine the probabilities of a variable X. If those conditions are not met then it is NOT OK to use the normal distribution.

How do you find a z-score?

Z Score is (x-mu)/sigma. The Z-Score allows you to go to a standard normal distribution chart and to determine probabilities or numerical values.

What does math have to do with a peditrician?

A peditrician might need to use math to determine the kind of disease for probabilities.

How can one determine the median from a graph?

The answer depends on what the graph is of: the distribution function or the cumulative distribution function.

How many statistical tests do you have?

Hundreds, if not more. For a given set of data, you calculate a statistic. Select a null and alternative hypotheses. These may include the kind of distribution as well as parameters about its location and spread (mean and variance). Determine the probability distribution function (pdf) of that statistic when the null hypothesis is true. Decide on the significance level that you wish to use. Determine values of the statistic such that the probability of observing a value at least as extreme is less than the significance level. You have a test. There are almost no constraints on the distribution that you select at the second stage and so, provided you can determine the pdf of the test statistic under your assumptions, there are no limits to the number of tests you can devise.

Related questions

Why the central limit theorem tells us that it is OK to use the normal distribution to determine probabilities of x?

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) says no such thing! In fact, it states the exact opposite.The CLT sets out the conditions under which you may use the normal distribution as an approximation to determine the probabilities of a variable X. If those conditions are not met then it is NOT OK to use the normal distribution.

What is the parameters that determine a Binomial Distribution?

The binomial distribution has two parameter, denoted by n and p. n is the number of trials. p is the constant probability of "success" at each trial.

How do you find a z-score?

Z Score is (x-mu)/sigma. The Z-Score allows you to go to a standard normal distribution chart and to determine probabilities or numerical values.

Name the 2 parameters which determine the physical state matter?

The two parameters that determine the physical state of matter are temperature and pressure. These parameters influence the arrangement and movement of molecules, affecting whether the matter is in solid, liquid, or gas form.

What parameters determine the magnifying power of a simple lens?

There are 2 parameters that are needed to determine the magnifying power of a simple lens. These parameters include the distance that is found between the central plain of the lens and the point at which the rays of light pass through the lens.

What does math have to do with a peditrician?

A peditrician might need to use math to determine the kind of disease for probabilities.

How are probabilities determined?

Probabilities are calculated or estimated in a variety of methods. A non-quantitative means, used by weather forecasters, is to look at general conditions, is provide probabilies based on all indicators. In this way, the probabilities reflect their belief of certain events occurring from 0 (will not occur) to 100% (certain to occur). A second wasy probabilities are determined is to collect data, and determine the relative frequency of a particular event. Perhaps 10% of all motorists drive above the speed limit in a particular area, based on data collection, so we can state the probability of a motorist speeding in a certain area is 10%. Finally, probabilities are developed based on other known probabilites or assuming equally likely outcomes. If I have 5 outcomes, and they are equally likely, then the probability of each one occurring in 20% if these outcomes are independent and mutually exclusive. If I know the chance of coin flip coming up heads is 0.50, I can determine the probability of two coins coming up heads is 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.25.

What is the mean of the sampling distribution of the sample mean?

Frequently it's impossible or impractical to test the entire universe of data to determine probabilities. So we test a small sub-set of the universal database and we call that the sample. Then using that sub-set of data we calculate its distribution, which is called the sample distribution. Normally we find the sample distribution has a bell shape, which we actually call the "normal distribution." When the data reflect the normal distribution of a sample, we call it the Student's t distribution to distinguish it from the normal distribution of a universe of data. The Student's t distribution is useful because with it and the small number of data we test, we can infer the probability distribution of the entire universal data set with some degree of confidence.

What is the sampling distribution of sample means and why is it useful?

Frequently it's impossible or impractical to test the entire universe of data to determine probabilities. So we test a small sub-set of the universal database and we call that the sample. Then using that sub-set of data we calculate its distribution, which is called the sample distribution. Normally we find the sample distribution has a bell shape, which we actually call the "normal distribution." When the data reflect the normal distribution of a sample, we call it the Student's t distribution to distinguish it from the normal distribution of a universe of data. The Student's t distribution is useful because with it and the small number of data we test, we can infer the probability distribution of the entire universal data set with some degree of confidence.

How do you determine legitimate probability distributions?

Well... the probabilities should add up to exactly 1 and cannot be negative.

Which file is used to determine the boot Parameters?

I Think its BOOT.INI, but it might be NTLDR

Which parameters are used to determine work and rest cycle durations?

The parameters used to determine work and rest cycle durations are based on the psychophysical adjustment method. This is an Industrial Ergonomics methodology proposed by Abu-Ali in 1993.