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Inches an Centimeters

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Q: What are the two systems of weights and measures which are legal in the US?
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Is Metrics are based on the British system of weights and measures?

Yes, metrics are based on the International System of Units (SI) which is a decimal-based system of measurement, unlike the traditional British system of weights and measures. The SI system is used globally and is officially recognized by most countries for consistency and standardization in measurements.

Identify two express powers Congress has?

To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures

What are two classifications of legal systems of which the logistics manager should be aware when working in a multinational environment are what laws?

The two classifications of legal systems of which the logistics manager should be aware when working in a multinational environment are:

How many pounds in a meter?

You are trying to compare mass(weight) with length. 'Pounds(lb)' is a unit of mass from the Imperial System of weights and measures. 'Metres(m)' is a unit of length from the Metric System of weights and measures.

What number system is used to describe a quake?

There are two systems that measure earthquakes. The Richter scale measures the moment magnitude, and the Mercalli scale measures the intensity of an earthquake.

Is this just a single weight or a set of two weights?

Ankle weights always come in pairs so these are two weights.

Describe the legal system prevailing in the world?

The legal systems prevailing in the world can vary widely based on each country's unique history and culture. Common types include civil law, common law, religious law, customary law, and mixed legal systems. These legal systems govern the structure and operation of courts, the allocation of rights and responsibilities, and the enforcement of laws within a specific jurisdiction.

Why there are two system of measurement?

There are not just two but many. Historically, the systems of measures developed where people traded (or bartered) and so were relatively localised. With European colonisation these systems were adopted by (or forced upon) the colonies. The increasing importance of international trade in modern economies means that standard measures are greatly important and, as a result, a number of the smaller systems of measure are no longer used. Most developed countries now use the SI system of measures, but there are some important laggards.

What systems are most common in the English speaking countries of the world?


What is the factory setting for the adjustable R7 driver?

Neutral, with the two heavy weights at the front and the two lighter weights at the back.

What is mechanical balance?

Balance mechanical seal is a arrangement in centrifugal pumps that is provided to prevent leakage and corrosion of pump outer shaft. A cooling arrangement is also provided for mechanical seal.

How many 8-pound weights are needed to balance two 12-pound weights?

You would need one 8-pound weight on each side of the two 12-pound weights to balance them.