Only in English. In other languages it is called other things.
It is a ratio
coincidence for example...i wanted an answer like this to answer and this question showed up.
Compounded or consisting of two things or parts; characterized by two (things)., That which is constituted of two figures, things, or parts; two; duality.
it depends on the two different things
Do butterflies have antennae?yes butterflies have antennae, they also taste with their legs.
Butterflies can see red, green, and yellow.Butterflies taste with their feet. ( Butterflies have taste receptors on their feet )
Six (6) is the number of legs on a butterfly.Specifically, scientists consider butterflies insects. All insects have three pairs of two legs each, for a total of six. The frontal pair closest to the head may not always be visible on some butterflies.
Butterflies are four things! They begin as an egg, a caterpillar hatches, after growing the caterpillar sheds its skin to become a chrysalis (not a cocoon), and later the adult emerges. Butterflies go through metamorphosis, a lifecycle of four stages.
Plants need butterflies for two main reasons such as pollination. Plants also need butterflies to bring other animals into the ecosystem.
Butterflies have four wings whereas birds have two wings and two legs. Butterflies have a thin body with long antennae, while birds have a beak, feathers, and two eyes on each side of their head. Additionally, butterflies undergo metamorphosis, while birds hatch from eggs as chicks.
The two sides of a coin are called head and tail.
because butterflies have six legs
Some examples of scientific names for butterflies are: Danaus plexippus (Monarch butterfly) Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral butterfly) Papilio machaon (Swallowtail butterfly)
Mottephobia or Lepidopterophobia. Answer 2 by Terrier23: Since there is no actual name for the fear of butterflies, they use these two because they are for the phobia of moths, and moths and butterflies are practically the same. Mottephobia is the fear of moths with Lepidopterophobia is the fear of Jipsy Moths
pressure and temperature
he had a big head and big eyes