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Q: What are the urban hierarchy from top to bottom?
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Which place is at the top of the urban hierarchy since it has the greatest influence on the surrounding area?


Why does the metropolis top urban hierarchy pyramid?

because it is the biggest and most developed part of a country or city.

What is Line Authority?

a system in which decision making passes from the top to bottom of a hierarchy, as in the army, for example.

Was there a social hierarchy?

Yes, there was a social hierarchy in many historical societies, with various levels of power, influence, and privilege. This hierarchy often placed rulers or nobility at the top, followed by clergy, merchants, artisans, and peasants or laborers at the bottom. Social status was typically inherited and influenced an individual's opportunities and treatment within society.

What is a primate urban hierarchy?

Primate urban hierarchy can defined as the authority of man ,animal scared off, it is also called the system of the man and animal to order their authority.

Which type of settlement is found at the top of a settlement hierarchy?

THE CAPITAL CITY is the top of the settlement hierarchy.

What is the correct Order of a hierarchy?

In a hierarchy, the correct order is typically from top to bottom, starting with the highest level of authority or importance at the top and descending to lower levels. This order helps establish clear reporting lines, responsibilities, and decision-making processes within an organization.

Hierarchy of a settlement?

A settlement hierarchy refers to the way in which settlements are organized based on size and function. It typically starts with small hamlets or villages at the bottom of the hierarchy, followed by towns, cities, and metropolitan areas at the top. Each level has its own set of services and functions that serve the surrounding population.

Which SmartArt graphic shows relative relationships with the largest element at the top or bottom?

The Hierarchy SmartArt graphic shows relative relationships with the largest element typically at the top or bottom, demonstrating a clear chain of command or levels within a structure.

Why is the bottom of a settlement hierarchy wider?


What is the correct order going from the bottom to the top of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs?

physiological safety security social self esteem ego and self actualization needs

What was feudalism based on?

Feudalism was based on a hierarchy of needs, where serfs and peasants were at the bottom, and the Pope and highest leaders were at the top.