

What are the uses of chalkboard?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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13y ago

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to write on.TO HOLD CHALK!!!!! and do math homework so you don't waste paper

NO!!!! Its for very wise uses such as school home collage etc.

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Q: What are the uses of chalkboard?
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A teacher uses this in a classroom?

white board, interactive board, pens e.t.c,,,

When was chalkboard invented?

The chalkboard was ivented in 1820

What is the plural possessive Of chalkboard?

The plural form of chalkboard is chalkboards.

When was Chalkboard - typeface - created?

Chalkboard - typeface - was created in 2003.

Is chalkboard a compound word?

Yes, chalkboard is a compound word.

How does chalkboard paint work?

if you want to have a chalkboard wall, then go to the paint store and ask for some chalkboard paint. apply 6 or 7 coats. I have a chalkboard wall and everyone loves it.

What are the words you can make out of chalkboard?

chalkboard bad balk lab aka

What is the estimate length of a real chalkboard?

I think that a chalkboard is 60 centimeters long

What materials are needed to make a kid's chalkboard?

The materials needed to make a kid's chalkboard vary as you can use slate, masonboard or even plywood to make your chalkboard. Chalkboard coating aerosol will make the final touches easier.

Chalkboard Paint?

form_title= Chalkboard Paint form_header= Create a new look every day with chalkboard paint. What will you be painting?*= _ [50] Have you used chalkboard paint before?*= () Yes () No Do you want any other paint?*= () Yes () No

Why does a magnet stick to a chalkboard?

A chalkboard typically has a thin layer of iron beneath the surface. This iron layer allows the magnet to stick to the chalkboard. The magnetic force between the magnet and the iron in the chalkboard is what causes them to attract and stick together.